Your care under the NHS and Care Homes
Governments have since 1990 secretly planned
to diminish and dismantle our NHS and Care System
-by throttling the DDRB to cut salaries: Resident Doctors are 20% down, GPs
losing income by cuts in core funding, NI increases, capitation only £162
per patient per year
-by reducing med school places, increasing tuition fees (£100k), reducing
training places, GP training places, in favour of PAs-their political apology
for failure.
-Introducing PAs, AAs-untrained quack "clerical assistants" pretending
to be real doctors
-Funding our hospitals poorly, rather than paying for buildings, maintainance,
doctors, nurses, ambulances, midwives-a political choice-and no money left to
pay for operations
-Outsourcing and privatisation: poorer quality, higher tariffs, steal trained
NHS staff, destailise NHS teams
-Private hospital chains do not have lotsof spare capacity: cherry pick simple
cases, have no ICUs, night ED staff
-They have no valid funded workforce plan-only to flood the NHS with PAs, AAs
-Reducing bed numbers, doctors, nurses, midwives, radiologists, oncologists,
-Private US style health insurance excludes existing conditions. UnAccountableCare
DisOrganisations make profits by excluding risky patients, cherry pick easy
cases, refuse care.
-All poiticians get bribes, bungs and promises from profiteer health companies
-Care homes are so powerful they can lobby for easy conditions, refuse to take
patients in ransome to government
-Care staff should be paid NHS rates, with career progression and banding.
-Patients should not have to sell trheir homes (bought out of taxed income)
to pay for care
-return all ISTCs to the NHS
-all diagnostics, scanners within the NHS
Paid for by
-taxing oil
-taxing wealkth-both assets and income fairly
-Tax Google, Amazon
-Collect all taxes owed
-Ban tax havens-stop the wasteof talented, but burnt our Redident ("Junior")
Doctors, GPs leaving or retiring early-by funding more GPs